Thursday, 1 March 2012

Morfa Bach Update 01/03/12 (Going green)

Time for the weekly update!

Things are starting to turn green on Morfa Bach.

Some trees and grass tufts have been added to the tunnel end of the layout.
The plate layer's hut has been scratch built from Plasticard and fixed in position.
To the right of the hut can be seen the next batch of scree to be painted, I haven't mentioned what I am using for the scree, so for those interested it is budgie grit from the pet shop and crushed red slate from the front garden.
It just needs painting once the PVA that is glueing it down is set.

In this picture the untreated scree can be compared with the painted stuff at the front.

I have also planted the grass at the front of the layout using Silfor grass tufts to represent the salt marsh grass.

OK That's it for this week, another instalment soon!


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