Wednesday, 25 July 2012

On the Fiddle again!

Thank goodness for some decent weather so work can be continued outside on the East fiddle yard for my new Cambrian modular layout "Steam on the Cambrian".

Those who have read my first post on this subject will know that the layout requires two such fiddle yards, one at each end of the modules.
Both fiddle yards will consist of a three road turn table so that complete trains can be turned at each end without having to lift off any stock or cassettes.

Today's progress on the east fiddle yard is shown below.

All three roads have now been laid and checked for alignment. Peco code 75 track being used here simply because it is cheaper thanthe C&L stuff on the scenic sections and I had some lying about!
 Wiring is almost complete (just waiting for some nylon cable ties to tidy the wiring up.)
I need to make a set of legs and some sort of end stop so that failure to stop the train won't result in a major disaster!
I made a start on the paint job but again ran out of matt black emulsion!
Must go shopping soon!

Another update as it happens.

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