Monday, 3 September 2012

Psst! Wanna Sea my weed dude?

Work continues on my new Cambrian layout "Steam on the Cambrian" and on the Morfa Bach module in particular.

Some more scenic work has been carried out over the last few days. Not least the addition of some sea weed on the banks of the estuary.
Most layouts I have seen always seem to have the rivers and so on at full level and almost "Lake" like with not much life in the water. In fact a lot of modelled water looks like varnished hardboard because that is exactly what it is!

Being a bit different I have modelled Morfa Bach with the tide OUT so needed something that would identify the high water level. To this end I came up with adding some sea weed as shown below.

(Click picture for larger image)

The material used (believe it or not) is hand rolling tobacco! mixed with diluted PVA and stuck down in the usual way and moved into position with a cocktail stick. Simple really, all you need to do is accost 
your friendly local smoker and beg a few roll ups worth of his baccy! 

More soon

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