Saturday, 21 April 2012

Ready to go!

I haven't updated this blog for a couple of weeks mostly due to the fact that I have have had a few health problems and to be fair not much work has been done on the modelling scene.

However, Morfa Bach is making it's very first outing tomorrow (Sunday 22nd April) to the MRG Forum's members meeting day at Bristol. So, the last couple of days has seen some last minute tweaks and a general tidy up.
I was hoping to get rid of the temporary back scene and replace it with something more suitable but, time has run out on me and it will go on static display tomorrow as you see it here and now.

(Click pictures for larger images)

Here I have added a few more trees to the scene.
A couple of Anita Decor conifers and a couple of seamoss deciduous types.
I'm quite impressed by the conifers and will more than likely get some more on my next order to International models.

The problems with the temporary backscene can be seen in this picture and the one above.
Above the join between two sheets can be seen quite starkly although the two sections match up there is a distinct colour change between the two sections.
The temporary back scene is by Gaugemaster and only comes in 3ft sections so with a 4ft long board a join is unavoidable.
Also, looking at the next picture (right) a distinct sheen can be seen. The scene is printed on semi gloss paper and light just shows up the reflective surface.

Finally for this session just before the layout was packed into the car for our journey south west, I had to take this shot of Erlestoke Manor with the "UP" CCE emerging from the Stygian gloom of Morfa Bach tunnel.

I still have work to do, like, point rodding to finish,cable trunking into the tunnel, more small boats on the river bank and maybe more trees. That lot will have to wait until I get back from the meet up tomorrow.

Cheers for now

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